yaba blay activist

yaba blay

Scholar-Activist AUTHOR Cultural Worker

Yaba Blay is an
“Independent People’s Worker”
who works in service of
Black liberation everyday.

A scholar-activist, cultural worker, and storyteller, her practice centers Black experiences globally, especially those of Black women and girls. A maroon academic, her research and scholarship engages the Black body, with particular focus on beauty politics.

yaba blay website image

One of
the foremost

thought leaders
on the Black


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Dr. Blay expertly translates her research and scholarship into engaging creative projects that seek to impact, if not change, our lived experiences for the better.

Lauded by O Magazine for her social media activism, she has launched several viral campaigns including Locs of Love, #PrettyPeriod, and #ProfessionalBlackGirl.

Dr. Blay is the author of the award-winning One Drop: Shifting the Lens on Race, the inspiration behind CNN’s television documentary “Who is Black in America?,” for which she served as consulting producer.

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